Board of Commissioners Meeting September 24, 2020
Pursuant to RI Executive Order 20-05 signed by Governor Gina Raimondo and guidance provided by legal counsel, the Providence Housing Authority (PHA) will conduct this meeting using telephone and online communications due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The public may access this meeting by computer/tablet/smartphone using Zoom or via phone by dialing into the toll-free number below and entering the meeting code. *Note: using a tablet or smartphone may require downloading the free Zoom app.
Join the meeting with Zoom or call-in toll-free to: 888-788-0099. Meeting Code: 894-0488-3499
Anyone having problems accessing the meeting can contact Ainsley Cantoral at 401-419-5121 during the meeting for assistance being connected.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES from August 27, 2020 meeting (Vote)
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT on Agency developments since August 27, 2020 including COVID-19 testing; updates for HUD CARES Act funding and audit; employee return to work plan update; wait lists; Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan changes; new youth program; and public housing flat rent schedule (discussion)
RESOLUTION 4298: Approval of New public housing flat rent schedule to be effective November 1, 2020 (Vote)
PRESENTATION: Data on Housing Court activity of the PHA since 2016 by Michael Crane, Esq, PHA Housing Court Attorney (Discussion).
EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 42-46-5 (a) (1): Closed session to review the job performance progress of the Executive Director. (Discussion)
Held prior to the 5:30 PM Board of Commissioners Meeting, the Finance and Resident Services Committees will meet. For more information on those meetings, visit the RI Secretary of State’s Open Meetings website.
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