• Sojourner House Inc. is an agency organized to serve battered adults and their children. The organization helps clients rebuild their lives, piece by piece, through a variety of services. It also works to raise awareness on many issues related to domestic violence: teen violence, HIV/AIDS prevention, elder abuse, and LGBTQ partner abuse.  This organization is not an emergency response agency, for emergency situations call 911.  This organization can be contacted in the following ways:  Administration:  (401) 765-3232;  Confidential Text:  (401) 214-7882; Online Support Groups: (401) 861-6191; Housing Office: (401) 808-6889.
  • Providence Housing Authority Public Housing Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Coordinator is available to assist public housing residents who need assistance in exercising their rights under VAWA.  The PHA is not an emergency response agency, for emergency situations call 911.  For more information about VAWA Rights in public housing programs call:  Jacqueline Martinez at (401) 709-1303 or jmartinez@provhousing.org.
  • Providence Housing Authority Leased Housing Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Coordinator is available to assist Housing Choice Voucher (HCV/Section 8) program participants who need assistance in exercising their rights under VAWA and landlords who have questions about VAWA responsibilities.  The PHA is not an emergency response agency, for emergency situations call 911.  For more information about VAWA Rights in HCV/Section 8 programs call Donna De La Rosa at (401) 709-1601.
  • Providence Housing Authority’s Victims of Violence Act (VOCA) Community Safety Coordinators are available to aid and support public housing residents or HCV/Section 8 participants who are victims of violence.  The VOCA Community Safety Coordinators are not emergency responders, for emergency situations call 911.  Call Melissa DaRosa at (401) 709-2820 or mdarosa@provhouisng.org or Julia Silva at (401) 709-7254 or jsilva@provhousing.org for more information.


  • RI Office of Healthy Aging is the State agency responsible for receiving reports of elder abuse.  Rhode Island law requires any person who has reasonable cause to believe that an elderly person has been abused to report it to the Office of Healthy Aging (OHA). Failure to report abuse of a person 60 or older can result in a fine of up to $1,000.  Elders needing to flee an abusive home may be eligible for shelter through the Saint Elizabeth’s Haven for Elder Justice Program.  To report elder abuse call (401) 462-0555 or (401) 462-3000. To contact Saint Elizabeth’s Haven for Elder Justice Program call (401) 739-2844 ext. 36.


  • RI Crime Victim Compensation Program (CVCP), Office of the RI General Treasurer provides up to $25,000 in reimbursement for expenses related to violent crime including medical expenses, relocation expenses, loss of earnings, and funeral expenses for eligible victims of crimes and their loved one.  Survivors of violent crimes or their loved ones may be eligible for compensation from the CVCP when  a police report is filed within 10 days of the alleged crime and a claim is filed with CVCP no later than 3 years after the crime.  Call (401) 462-7655 for more information or apply online at www.cvacpp.treasurty.ri.gov.
