
Providence Housing Authority Annual Report

Resident Characteristics Report

Our Section 3 Plan, mandated by HUD, is a means by which HUD fosters local economic development, neighborhood economic improvement, and individual self-sufficiency.  The Plan outlines how we will provide jobs for residents and award contracts to businesses in areas receiving our HUD assistance.


Visitor and Guest Policy

As part of the PHA’s on-going COVID-19 Emergency Operations Plan, the organization released a special policy on guests, visitors, partners, and vendors. For all public housing service elderly and disabled residents, and all developments with shared hallways/spaces, the PHA has implemented a limited visitor policy to protect the health and safety of its residents and staff. Read more here.

Comment Period Open

Drafts of the PHA’s Annual Plan and Capital Plan are now available for public comment.

Strategic Plan

Admissions & Continued Occupancy (ACOP)

Violence Against Women Act Policy

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is federal legislation that provides tools to combat violence against women and provide protection for victims of abuse and/or stalking. The PHA policy outlines the rights of tenants under this policy. Read more about the PHA’s VAWA policies, procedures, and programming here.

PHA Pet Policy

The PHA’s Pet Policy is a component of our Annual Plan. It outlines the general rules and requirements for residents of public housing who wish to have pets on the premises.
